What is Transpersonal Coaching?

What is Transpersonal Coaching?

It is a revolutionary cutting edge approach to Leadership Development that can guide you on a path for both personal and professional success. Regardless of how uncertain the future might seem, Johan Slabbert’s Transpersonal Coaching will help you take control of your career, your family and life.

Johan Slabbert Transpersonal Coaching’s holistic approach is related to Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Theories (CBT), Depth and Transpersonal Psychology. Transpersonal psychology does not only focus on the external world of behaviours but includes experiences within the inner quantum field of the coachees’ psyche as legitimate and powerful human memory and experiences. We engage with leaders’ Emotional, Social, Cultural and Spiritual Intelligence to enable a deeper and broader engagement with all facets of today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous challenges. It empowers leaders towards a deep understanding of ego-self with an introduction to their soul-self culminating into self-mastery. This journey towards transpersonal and authentic leadership creates a new world leader for the greater good of this world.

Who is Johan Slabbert?

Johan Slabbert is a transpersonal / performance coach who has been practising as an executive and transpersonal coach for the past five years. He is also an international business transformation leader, and founder and CEO of the AGL Group of Companies operating in various industry sectors. He is the author and developer of the business model called Gyroscope – The Business Model™. Johan is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming practitioner and a certified Advanced Enneagram Practitioner. He has a keen interest in leadership development and the critical analysis of current pedagogies within the field.

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