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Johan Slabbert Transpersonal Coaching provides coaching services to a wide range of clients from all industry sectors across the globe. Coaching sessions are held either in person (place-based) or online (using Zoom or Skype).
Johan Slabbert has been practising as a transpersonal / spiritual / life/ leadership and executive coach for over seven years. Johan is an international business transformation leader, and founder and CEO of the AGL Group of Companies operating in various industry sectors. Johan has more than three decades of executive leadership experience in several industries across the globe. Johan is a member of the institute of directors since 1999 and currently holds a position on the Forbes Coaching Council in the USA. He is the author and developer of the business model called Gyroscope – The Business Model™.
Johan is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming practitioner and a certified Advanced Enneagram Practitioner. He has a keen interest in both human and leadership development as well as the critical analysis of current pedagogies within the field.
We have a passion for coaching people to be accountable and embrace their responsibilities and higher purpose, be authentic and rediscover their inner wisdom. We create the space for the transfiguration of people as they become confident Psychonauts of their inner space and being. Such people are radically authentic, spiritual, wildly creative, and lead their lives from a place of moral excellence. This is the core of Johan Slabbert’s inner burning desire and the force behind his unique coaching model.